
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Christmas....In July?!

Yes! Christmas in July! Why? Because if you're like me, you have dreams of creating your own designs at Christmas time every year. You realize on the 18th of December that it's probably NOT going to happen. Again.

So this year, I decided to do a MINI Christmas In July class! You can find more information here. It's a 4 week class with a creative prompt each week as well as a video demo covering some aspect of making the artwork card-ready for the holidays.

Come and join the fun! Class starts tomorrow.


  1. I just signed up for the class!!! I will be ready for the man in red this year for sure:)

  2. Yay, Cynthia! Hopefully, that will be two of us as I NEVER seem to get ready before the 21st....of December!

    It's gonna be, Ms. Kate!

  3. Haha! How fun is that! :D Never thought about making Christmas stuff with so many months in advance, but since I'm a professional procrastinator and chaotic mind, it's such a wonderful idea! :D Love it, Laure!
    Very nice indeed!


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