
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Early Morning Sketch-Time

July 2011: Organizing by apple-pine
July 2011: Organizing, a photo by apple-pine on Flickr.
I sketch whenever I can. But the more I sketch in the early hours of day the more I like it.
Before everyone is up.
Before light is sharp.
Before voices are loud.

I just organized my early morning sketches in a separate set:
I often don't even scan my morning sketches - sometimes they are too private, sometimes not good - but they get me going!


  1. Hi Nina! Your link wasn't working, but I think I have it fixed now...looks GOOD, I love mornings too...

  2. I enjoyed viewing your early morning sketches. I am not usually an early morning person until this summer when it is just too hot to do anything after about 10 am. I think I'll give this idea a try, I write with the first cup of coffee, maybe I could sketch on cup number two.

  3. I'm not a morning person either, but when I see your morning sketches, I wish I was. :) Gotta try.

  4. Cathy , I believe I have a softcover book of yours on my bookshelf, bought many years ago.. is that possible? .. It was something to do with sketching nature /textures ? I am so happy to find your blog here , I've joined you so I won't miss anything else, after I've gone through it all .. I see you have a new book.. ? will check it out ..I am a watercolorist, pencil artist, and blogger.. so how could I not love your site.???

  5. Barbara, it certainly could be. I've been writing art books for many years now. Well, decades, actually! Glad to have you with us...lots of talented co-authors here!


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