
Friday, October 19, 2012

The color challenge continues--join me?

I'm continuing to play with a very limited palette...join me? I'm using Hansa Yellow Light, though a Cadmium would so for the yellow, Permanent Rose (or Quinacridone Rose or Quin Red) and Phthalo Blue (or similar would do).  I've added Burnt Sienna and Payne's Grey for convenience colors....Indigo would work, too. 

And look at all the colors possible. I've used the Burnt Sienna and Payne's Grey in the mixes, for variety.  Above, yellows, reds, blues and convenience colors, reds ditto, and blues ditto! (Click on the image for a larger version.)

Even more colors are possible, if you add a bit of one of the other primary colors so you're using a triad in various strengths, as you can see below.  Even a deep neutral that's very close to black.  It all depends on how intense your mixtures are...

Of course the effects can be quite subtle, too...I only used the primaries in my painting of my little cat, Rags, asleep on my computer.

So give it a try, and post what you've done on our Artist's Journal Workshop Flickr group, here:!  Mark what you've done as primaries only, or primaries and convenience colors...and let's play!


  1. Great blog post. I think that Hansa Yellow is Winsor Lemon in W&Nland. I'll have to pick some up. I'm pretty happy with my 12-color palette but I'd like to get one or two 5-6color mini-kits so I can have one with me all the time.

    Cheers --- Larry

    1. Hooray! And of course, I'll keep my muted primaries set, and probably never give up my bigger Prang set or my small Schmincke set or by Kremers, or, or, or...but this is going to be a good discipline for me!

  2. I would definitely like to try this out, mainly to learn color! Kate, what brand is the phalo blue that you are using? Would phalo (red shade) work? Does it matter what brands theses paints are? Thanks for the idea, and your sample mixtures!

    1. Sometimes brand matters to me, simply because I've compared and like what one color looks like over another. I much prefer Winsor & Newton burnt sienna and indigo, for instance, but choose Daniel Smith's Quin red--W&N's is too orange. I think their quin red or permanent rose is fine, though. Pretty sure the red shade would work, there really isn't that much difference, to my eye!

  3. Love the painting of Rags - I can feel her/his fur beneath my hand! Great work.

  4. Thank you for this inspiration Kate. LOVE the composition and use (lack) of color.

  5. What a beautiful painting of your kitty... looks like fun color play too.

  6. I'm game! I just posted my minimal kit on my Flickr and blog, as well as the group Flickr --- plus a very tiny version in a 2" pill box. This time, instead of just playing with it, I plan on actually using it for a few weeks.

    Rags is serenely beautiful!

  7. Very cool!! Do watercolor pencils count for this challenge?? I tend to carry the kitchen sink... the microwave, and the fridge. So, this mught be good to learn to minimalize, light up, and sketch quicker!!

    Also, somewhere I read about cutting watercolor pencils in half to compact your kit and lighten up. I don't know if I can bring myself chop up my FB Albrecht Durers. Has any one else ever cut theirs in half??

    1. Sure, Wendi, why not!? I've been playing with a similar triad with my WC pencils. But like you, I can't seem to cut up Albrecht Durers. Kolby Kirk did, though, even shorter than in half!

    2. And we actually discussed watercolor pencil primaries back in 2011, Wendi! Give it a go!

  8. I am tempted Kate!!!!!
    Might be good for me to break my addiction to fUB(or Cobalt Blue Deep) and Raw Ochre... and can I live without Quin gold for australian greens... looks like I need to give it a go!
    (I never really bonded to Paynes Grey but have a fullish tube so it would be good to use it)... now all I need is to find a plastic container to put 5 full pans in!

  9. I think it depends on the brand, Liz! I like W & N Payne's Grey as well as their Indigo, but others not so much...

  10. I even made a little kit - but now seem to have hard time getting out to draw... an it's impossible to resist temptations of many colors when they are close by... I will try to join you soon!

    1. OH, I definitely didn't entirely resist! I did a bunch of sketches on our trip with the limited set, but for a couple of them...naaaaaaaaaaah! I hope you get a chance to sketch, Nina!

  11. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. Reducing my choice of colours down to 3-5 was the best step I could take to get myself painting again after a long break.


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