
Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Self Imposed Ink and Exercise Challenge

I'm trying out yet another Stillman and Birn Journal.... this time the Epsilon Series that has paper suited for pen and ink.

This is my first entry and I've got to say writing on this paper with a Micron pen is dreamy. The greys were created with grey and black Pentel Sign Pens that I hit the tip of with a waterbrush, then added the ink to the page.  The water/ink combo spread like butter.

One thing I really like about using a waterbrush is that it dispenses just enough water to get the job done.  This is very useful when the paper being used is not necessarily meant for washes.

This journal has two purposes. The first being to get me off of my desk chair and moving about. That's a challenge in itself as I get lost in my work and time goes sailing by. The second, and most fun, is to explore ink.

I'm glad the journal has many pages as there are so many inks waiting to be tried :) Which leads me to the back of my journal where I create color test pages......
click to enlarge
I'm keeping this journal in my desk drawer, easily at hand.  I've been sitting too long again... time to catch lunch and take a stroll with my journal and pens :)


  1. The right paper is so important for pen and ink, especially with the washes. Thank you for this peek at what the Epsilon can do. It looks delicious.

    1. Thanks, Elva! Today I tried the Sign Pens outside but forgot my waterbrush.... tried blending tiny spots of green with the yellow pen but was mostly unsuccessful. Did go for a walk though :)

  2. What a great discipline! I love this, Pam...

  3. I love the Pentel signpen for waterbrush blending - but haven't seen all the lovely colours you have here. (The Sketchercise group is still erratically active - often more talking than walking going on though!)

    1. Thanks, Cathy! Much easier to move face muscles than whole body movement :) I totally understand!


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