
Wednesday, November 28, 2012


frustration by vickylw
frustration, a photo by vickylw on Flickr.
I had an appointment with a doctor Tuesday to discuss the results of x-rays and MRI on my hip and back --- only to find out that the MRI department had imaged my hip but not my back, even though both were ordered. So a pointless appointment and once more being stuffed like a sausage in the tube . . .

I was determined not to sketch more waiting rooms, but drew this decoration as I waited out of sheer frustration. His goofy grin helped me calm down and even laugh about the mistake. Good use of an art journal.


  1. Very cute kathy

    And as you say a sketchbook is a good diversion in less happy times

    I would like to thank you for your wonderful book - reading/browsing through it again and again...hopefully some of it will soak in

    gill q

    1. Thanks for your comments! I agree, the book is wonderful! I'm Vicky, not Cathy -- one of the artists she invited to be in the book.. She set this blog up with multiple contributors.

  2. Oh, Vicky, I am SO sorry for your frustration! Maddening...but you made wonderful use of your time, as always. And hooray, you found the stamp! Fun, isn't it? I like the spongework, too, it adds interest and texture...

    And Gill, thank you! Look at the list of wonderful co-authors in the sidebar at right. I was SO fortunate to have them be part of the book as well as the blog.

    1. What looks like sponge work is actually another rubber stamp! But for some reason, I couldn't get the whole thing inked.

      How do you load stamps with watercolor? I can't seem to make that work.

    2. Well cool! I usually pat the stamp onto the stamp pad, but I never seem to get an even inking, either! I don't usually use watercolor, but acrylics or acrylic works best to soak a small pad of paper towels and then use that like a stamp pad...

    3. There were several interesting "texture" stamps. Thanks for the hints -- I don't have any acrylics but will buy some to try the paper towel "pad".

    4. You can also pat the stamp with an ink-filled sponge or cloth, as if you were using a brayer and linoleum print!

    5. Oh, the sponge idea is brilliant! (as in, why didn't I think of that?) --- much less waste!

  3. Aha! I have not yet sketched a waiting room, but might likely get the opportunity as I have my own nuerologist appointment tomorrow :) Thanks for giving me the idea! I took pics at the laundromat the other day to incorporate into a journal sketch at a later date, too...

    Love your snowman. Sorry that you have to go through the scan again... but at least we are living in a day and age when they have the technology to find out what's going on and where... at least, that's what I tell myself ;) Best of luck!

    1. I am grateful for the technologies and the wisdom the Creator has given to man . . . . but sometimes I forget to allow for human failure. Thank God, He is in control -- of your medical appointment tomorrow as well as the results for both of us. Praying for you!

  4. THANK YOU!!! It is a blessing to have friends who pray in agreement :) If my journal sketch ends up being something I like, I'll post it up on my blog.


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