
Classes & Workshops

Many of our correspondents teach journaling or bookbinding--so here you'll find a variety of upcoming classes.  I'll get new classes up as I hear about them--watch this space!

NEW from one of our contributors, Pam Johnson Brickell!

Illustrated Nature Journaling: Creating a Sense of Place


Pam Johnson Brickell

February 15 & 16 • 10:00 am – 3:30 pm • BYO Lunch

Coastal Art Supply

812 Port Republic Street • Beaufort, SC • 843-524-2787

Fee: $175

$75 deposit

Min/Max 5/8

Join Pam for classroom instruction in watercolor and pen sketching along with hand-lettering.  Put techniques learned into practice with plein air sketching around Port Royal’s Cypress Wetlands Trail.  Gain observation and eye/hand coordination skills, learn about nature and most of all, discover the joy of capturing the area, you choose to call home, in your heart and journal!  

Pam, a SC Master Naturalist, has an international following of her illustrated journals and is a contributing artist in Cathy Johnson's Artist Journal Workshop book, is a co-author of the book's companion blog, and an invited contributor of Johnson's Sketching in Nature blog.


Weather will dictate plein air sketching times.  Plan A: classroom sessions from 10 – noon daily, then we’ll drive to the town of Port Royal for afternoon sketching along the Cypress Wetlands Trail.  The trail is a half a mile in length and consists of pathways and boardwalks that are easily navigated and can be somewhat sheltered from the wind. 

Do dress accordingly.  Bring your sketchbooks and either a travel watercolor set or watercolor pencils, waterbrush(es), Micron pen, pencil and eraser.

We will eat lunch as we wrap up our classroom session.  Please BYO lunch/drink so we can be efficient with our time.  It will take 20 minutes or so to drive to Port Royal. 


FINALLY, a new mini-class!

Whee, finally finished the self-directed color class and got it up on my website...though I probably should have JUST called it "sketching in color," since I included some exercises and mediums that take a bit longer. It's up to you, and how you define words like "sketch" and "quick."

Of course, there's nothing inherently superior in sketching fast, it's just what many of us need to do in order to have any creative time at all! 

Many of my readers and students express a desire for more time, or a key to working fast, or a wish to work more loosely.  The 4-lesson course offers a LOT of ideas about all of those, in addition to exploring a variety of mediums.

We play with watercolor, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, colored inks, markers, mixed media,  and even kids' crayons!  You'll be able to decide what's your go-to medium for most needs, or find a brand new favorite.

You'll find exercises, demos, tips, videos, links and more...and FUN.

And of course, as you can see, many of  the examples from the class are pages from my own journals...that's where I do most of my quick sketching.

Take a peek!  It joins my other online classes here:

You'll love Sandy Williams' new addition 

Painting Birds in Gouache

I LOVE painting birds and I LOVE gouache!  I've put them both together and created my latest step by step instructional DVD, also available as a download, demonstrating the techniques I use to depict feathers and sparkling eyes.  Please check it out if you have a minute.  The URL is:


Don't Miss Laure Ferlita's website for updates!

She's got a new class, The Imaginary Visit to a Japanese Garden.  The class will begin on Thursday, June 7th and will end Thursday, June 28th. The class is 4 weeks long with one assignment per week. Class links and videos will stay live another two weeks from the date of the last assignment. Class size will be limited.

Supply List for Imaginary Trips.


Please ask any questions before registering for the class.
You can email your questions by clicking here.

The cost of the class is $48.00 USD.

Again, don't miss Laure's website:

Or her blog:


SANDY WILLIAMS offers classes in botanical arts--online!

Sandy's an amazing artist who is in love with gouache, as well as ink and watercolor and watercolor pencils.  For her new Botanical Illustration in Gouache class, she'll lead you through creating botanical illustrations using that versatile medium we've discussed here before--it's available as a DVD or as a downloadable course:

It's a wonderful opportunity, and an incredible bargain--check it out!


Correspondent JESSICA WESOLEK is offering a new workshop 

on her website--and a new web address!  

She writes: I have scheduled a brand new workshop to run through the Summer vacation season (yes, you can go on vacation in the middle of it - no problem).

The workshop is called "The Art of the Trip, Travel Journaling Mostly from Home", and you can find out more about it on my blog here:

You can enjoy this workshop without going anywhere, or with a day trip to a nearby town, or an exploration of your own, or you can use it to go back and make travel journals for trips past. Anyway you do it, it will be big fun!



Some of Christina Lopp and Gay Kraeger's workshops can be found here:

LOTS of fun.  

And if you haven't seen their DVD, give it a look, it's terrific.



 I took several polls to determine what classes people most wanted to take, and as a result Quick Sketching 1 and 2, and a Watercolor Pencil Mini were up first, joined now by Quick Sketching in Color, mentioned above.

You can sign up for it HERE:   

These techniques are perfect for journal-keeping, especially if you have to fit your journaling into small bits and pieces of time. (Maybe that's why it did so well in my polls!)

You can sign up on my website to get an announcement whenever a new class is available.
In the plans (but not yet available) are:
  • Sketching in nature
  • Journal Keeping
  • Drawing People
  • Watercolor Textures
  • Plein Air Painting
  • Watercolor Basics
  • Drawing Birds
  • Painting Flowers
  • Creativity Prompts (This is not a lesson, per se, but quick little idea starters or inspirations sent every other day.)
We'll let you know whenever one of these comes up!

I've also added brand new instructional CDs to my lineup...we're producing these in-house now, and you'll find them in my catalog, here:  Please take a look!




  1. I am trying to locate the URL from page 37 of your book with no success. . . its the one that says an interview with Laura Frankenstone.

  2. Ah, apparently that link takes you directly to, where you need to sign up once you get to that page. Fill out the form, and it takes you to the wallpaper and interviews. Sorry it's not more clear!

  3. Yep, just checked, your email address is the only required field, then right below the image of the book cover, you can click on either the wallpaper or the PDF of interviews. Kind of convoluted, but it's there!

  4. Hi Cathy I have a little award for you ! Please check out my blog to see others that have received it and what you need to do with it xo

  5. Hello would love to have page design for art journals this would really help for the lank page that face some of us maybe adding photos ect and also using scrapbook stach items.thank youlinda

  6. Hello,
    I think you'll like my blog 'inspirIng' too.

  7. Hi Cathy - Just reblogged your info about Personal Supplies and wanted to let you know. I really enjoyed it. I'm a librarian and have your book from the library, and found your site that way. I find that it's hard to get motivated to go out when you're carrying a bunch of stuff. Your supplies list was so neat and compact, I just wanted to commend you on it!


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!