
Monday, January 10, 2011

Jana Bouc on making your own journal

The other day I'd asked our friend the talented Jana Bouc if she minded if I linked to her journal-making posts and other information, and she told me she was JUST reworking all that.  

I heard from her over the weekend!  She wrote "The journal came out nicely and is posted today on my blog and the how to sheet is updated on my website here ."

I'll put the links up in our list in the sidebar, but thought you'd like to see them NOW.

Thank you, Jana, this is wonderful!


  1. Lots of great tips from Jana on this--thank you, Kate, for posting it, and thanks to you, Jana, for your generous sharing of tools and techniques. Your download of the "how to" sheet is really well done.

  2. Jana's really look professional, don't they...I am in awe!


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