
Monday, January 10, 2011

One of the useful things to do with a journal...

Sometimes Real Life is a challenge...and once in a while I like to visualize a solution.  Since it's in my journal, it can be as fantastic as this one, my Cone of Silence.  It's not glass, because that could shatter; whatever it's made of, only the sounds I want to hear can get in, and nothing can get at me there...stresses and demands and worries just bounce right off!

This image made me laugh, the other day, and helped my mood a great deal!  You can click on the image to read my whimsical notes if you like!

I suggest my students make an imaginary map of their creative journey, with its goals and pitfalls...this image is sort of that type!

Ink and watercolor...


  1. Hmmm, may have to create one of these! Lovely escape "vessel" you've created there....

  2. I really found it a handy visualization, Miss Laure! I've done that in the past, too, when I was involved with a prickly situation in another town. I visualized a huge axe chopping the highway between home and there, and drew other roads leading to places I worked!

  3. I think I'd like an invisibility cloak! That might work.....

  4. I know what you mean, I often think about a cave to hide in. The cone I could go with, I love the picture

  5. I LOVE this!!! I'd love to escape to one of these in the aftermath of kids bringing a sick grandchild here for Christmas . . . lots of the rest of us getting sick.

    And just as that is ending, winter / snow assaults. Looks like it may keep me from sketch crawl this weekend. I'd better build me a cone . . . I feel like grumping.

  6. This is lovely, I love curling up with things I love.. I have been thinking a lot about things I Highly Prize.... being in a serene place with no intrusions is surely one of them. Thanks for this visual gift.

  7. Miss Vicky, I am sorry to hear that, but DO understand! And oh, yes, I like visualizing things like really DOES help, and it makes me smile.

  8. It DOES help us laugh at ourselves. And I love the likeness you captured of yourself!

  9. Wearing my nice, warm $2.50, thrift-store fleece robe, too...I look like a bag of laundry, but I'm WARM!


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