
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Books We Like! -- A brand new page

Hi, all!

Just wanted to let you know I've reorganized the blog a little, removed the bookshelf from the sidebar at right and added a brand new page--well, THREE of them, actually, so far--of books I think you'll find useful.  You'll find it at the top of the page, or click this link:

Yep, there are some of mine (though not all those pictured above) but a LOT more from people whose work I love and have learned from.  (What can I say, that was the quickest photo I could find that had a lot of books! :-D )

You'll find artists, journalers, watercolorists, travel journals, calligraphy, how-to and much more.

There's an arrow at the bottom of these links to let you know there's more to come, and I set them to shuffle, so you don't see the same thing all the time, when you open the page. (If you don't see a favorite, look on page 2 or 3--or whatever!) 

I'll be adding to these as I go along...if you have particular favorites, please let me know and I'll check them out!


  1. Great new arrangement, Kate! Thanks for doing all the work involved. I'm looking forward to spending lots of time on here exploring all the info contributors generously make available.

  2. Thanks, Louise! MOST of these are books I've owned, read, gotten from the library, etc., and a few are ones recommended by our readers or correspondents, so if you have a favorite, let us know!

  3. Great list Cathy. But I wonder if the Hinchman book A Life In Hand should list her name rather than the publisher's? Thanks for all the work you do to keep us inspired and involved!
    Now back to reviewing your videos in the Strathmore workshop.....

  4. It should indeed, Diane! I didn't notice that...but it's not something I can change, it's in the javascript from Amazon.

    Glad you liked the workshop!

  5. Having an odd moment to spare, and looking closely at this lovely blog, I realise it is a tutorial in itself! Thankyou so much - it will keep me sane.

  6. Delighted to help, Ann, and yes, that's exactly what I wanted this to be. Lots of great ideas from some very talented people.


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!