
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Supply Catalog joins the Bookshelf Page...

An array of waterbrushes
People often ask what tools and supplies we like, what we recommend, what works--so I've made a start at some of those recommendations on our new Supply Catalog page (if you think of a better name for it, do let me know.)

I'll be adding to it as we go along, and I know I've missed some great stuff.  I plan to write some blurbs on some of these as I have time, so check back!

This joins our Favorite Supplies page, which is longer reviews gleaned from our journal'll find some of the same things in both places, of course.

Like our new Bookshelf, it's a javascript thingie, so it may take a bit to open...

So check out the "catalog" at the top of the page, or find it here:


  1. Neither the Bookshelf or the Supply Catalog pages are doing anything for me beyond the initial text post(s) on this end even after a good 5 - 10 minute wait. Am I doing something wrong? Missing something, somehow? Am using the latest version of Chrome as a browser...

  2. I'm sorry about that, Micael! I'll check with Amazon and see if others are having that problem and if there's a solution.

  3. Hi Cathy, my wait for your journaling book is over. ! Whoopee,! It came a while ago and I also order a book called Hand Lettering ,,, I am recuping from total hip surgery , yes this has made my day.
    I'm a watercolorist first, pencil artist and love making art journals and have always wanted to do the kind of journaling that this is about..
    Thank you so much Cathy, I still have one of your first nature sketchbooks that you wrote. I congratulate you on all your accomplishments, writing, art, etc.
    thanks for all you do , hugs to you from Barbra Joan (BJ)

    1. Thank you so much, Barbra Joan! You've made my morning.

  4. Is there an easy way to notify us when the Bookshelf and Supply list are revised to add more stuff?

  5. Speaking of supplies...anyone have a favorite lightweight portable stool?

    1. Thanks for the reminder! I'll see what I can find, I know I've seen a couple there that have been reccomended highly. If I can find MINE, I'll add it.


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