However, on the way home, I began to wonder if this really was Harbour Town's Liberty Oak. There were two very large oaks in the heart of Harbour Town. The magnificence of this tree, with it's sprawling low lying branches surely struck me as the one to bear this name...... Not!
Long ago, a skilled calligrapher taught me how to correct mistakes... Tip: correct your mistake before you lift any unwanted lettering. Huh? Yes, write over the lettering on the page, then white out or lift off what you don't want.
That way the stroke of the corrected lettering will be smooth and you won't have to contend with the often bumpy texture left by white out or white ink. I used a Signo Uniball broad tip white pen, available from JetPens.com.
I decided to turn Liberty Oak into Live Oak. The RTY of Liberty would be taken out. A good size space would be left between the two words. I decided to put the tree's Latin name between Live and Oak.... a quirky fix, but it worked for me :)