This is how it has been at our house for the last few months: vet trips, new meds, different food, pee trips in the wee hours of the morning.... I'm sure you've been there.
I've been sketching a lot of our two dogs over the last year. Some with traditional tools, some on my iPad using Paper by 53.
This past weekend the serious 'Goodbye' page started taking shape. One thing about our Dudley, he was all about showing you things you'd not have seen without him. Sunday morning as he and I walked down the street at 5:15 a.m. was one of those instances. This was the last Sunday we'd be together, and the early morning sky was just beautiful. Later that day, I did the above memory sketch as a tribute to all those wee hour pee trip walks we've taken over the last several months.
Yesterday was our 'goodbye' day. I came home and immediately went into my studio and studied the right blank side if the page. I had decided on tribute phrase... but what else? I knew I'd just have to take my time and the right things would come. Later, we sat on the sofa and looked at old photos of our pups. Oh that was fun and heart warming. I found one portrait of Dudley that I wanted to put underneath the phrase. Then, during a discussion with my husband, I said the words that are now on the bottom right corner.

You just never know what will find it's way to you for your page..... The journey of journaling - can't beat it!
As for our Sweet Dudley.... he's in a much better place, free of his earthly troubles. Now all our loving is surrounding our Grizz to help her through the grief.... 15.5 years is a long time!
Main page: Stillman & Birn Alpha journal • watercolors • micron pen